Title IX Team
Title IX Coordinator
Dr. Kristie Gover
Senior Vice President of Student Affairs & Dean of Students
- Office location Davis Student Commons
- Email address kgover1@madorders.com
- Telephone number (904) 256-7067
Deputy Title IX Coordinators
DaVina Hamilton
Associate Dean of Students
- Office locat Davis Student Commons
- Email address dhamilt3@madorders.com
- Telephone number (904) 256-7067
Allana Forte
Senior Vice President of People & Culture, Chief Compliance Officer
- Office location Howard Administration Building
- Email address aforte@madorders.com
- Telephone number (904) 256-7025
Dr. Elise Zornow
Director of Community Standards & Accountability
- Davis Student Commons
- ezornow@madorders.com
- (904) 256-7989
Courtney Taybron
Senior Woman Administrator, Athletics
- Office location Botts Hall
- Email address ctaybro@madorders.com
Kevin Bennett
Director of Campus Security
- Office location Howard Administration Building
- Email address kbennet1@madorders.com
- Telephone number (904) 256-7585
Fonnie Baarmand
Assistant Vice President of People & Culture
- Office location Howard Administration Building
- Email address fbaarma@madorders.com
- Telephone number (904) 256-7025
Title IX Advisors
Natalie Indelicato
Associate Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- Office location HSC 2205
- Email address nindeli@madorders.com
- Telephone number (904) 256-7971